Alien Camel Concept Art Alien Fish Animal Concept Art

Net Civilization

Posted on May 8, 2020   Updated on May xiii, 2020, 4:52 pm CDT

Adept news for furries in need of a fursona: In that location'south at present a website with artificial intelligence that tin can develop your adjacent anthropomorphic original graphic symbol. This Fursona Does Not Exist uses machine learning to generate an countless number of unique furry graphic symbol portraits.

Simply if you're not familiar with the world of furries, the concept of a fursona may at commencement exist hard to grasp.

What is a fursona?

A fursona is a graphic symbol that represents a fellow member of the hirsuite fandom. Fursonas' roles vary from person to person. Some identify deeply with their fursona, whereas others care for their fursonas more than like original characters. Fursonas can be hyperrealistic, fantastical, extremely animal-like, or wait more than like anime anthropomorphic characters. Vampires, aliens, demons, and mythological beings are all possibilities, too, WikiFur notes.

Sariya Tune is a hirsuite in their mid-20s who has had "some kind of non-entirely-human being persona" for at least a decade, they told the Daily Dot. At 12-years-old, they commissioned chetah fursona artwork. These days, they regularly commission artwork of their Android otter (or "neptunian aesthetic synthetic being" with serial number HLY-11641-β, if you will) also named Sariya.

"To me, my fursonas are a reflection of myself in both a class I discover more than aesthetically pleasing and more reflective of myself than I can easily express in the meat earth," Melody said. "Across that they're characters I can employ in art as well!"

Adult artwork of fursonas is very common, albeit it'southward non a universal experience. The '90s and 2000s furry community regularly fought over adult content'southward place in the furry fandom, singling out kinky and queer furries in particular. While tension has since cooled, each furry has their own condolement level with yiff (or hirsuite sex) dictated past many factors, including gender, sexuality, and their social circle.

"Lewd art is uhhhhhhh…. fairly prevalent within my communities," Melody said. "My armchair psychologist says it'south considering I'chiliad around a lot of trans people and lewd hirsuite fine art allows for the expression of an idealized self engaging in sexuality devoid of stigma. Not to even mention the folks who are interested in it because it allows them to appoint in something physically 'impossible' (vore, macro/micro, transformation)."

What is This Fursona Does Not Exist?

This Fursona Does Non Exist past programmer Arfa is a fursona maker that spits out a random mosaic of furry portraits. The website can render an enormous number of styles, from realistic anthropomorphic characters to designs inspired by anime catgirls. All images are "not-copyrightable" and thus open to the public'due south apply, its creator writes. Unfortunately for My Little Pony fans, ponies and scalies (reptile characters) were omitted from the process, but mammals including foxes to wolves made the cut.

"This looks like a Zoom meeting with 4chan," one Hacker News commenter wrote.

Arfa's automobile-learning AI spent 33 days training on over 50,000 images from hirsuite imageboard e621. But This Fursona Does Non Exist merely creates completely original images, as demonstrated past a video Arfa shared on Twitter.

"You can see that it is able to smoothly transition between images of Zootopia characters and other characters, which indicates that it has learned a lot more about the bodily features [of furry characters]," Arfa said on Hacker News.

Arfa first began working on This Fursona Does Not Exist in mid-February after existence inspired by a like anime-themed machine learning site, This Waifu Does Non Exist, he told the Daily Dot. Once Arfa read an caption of the anime character creator, he realized furries could as well be generated through a machine learning AI.

"The original outputs weren't very impressive, merely with enough training, they somewhen improve," he said.

Fursona AI Furry
Early fursonas generated past arfa'due south machine learning AI.

Fursonas came into being thanks to furry artists working together with clients like Tune. Arfa, who has been in the furry fandom since 2017, suggests AI may before long be an artery for creating fursonas, likewise.

"At the charge per unit AI is improving, I think we're only a few years abroad from being able to customize fursonas similar a character creator in a video game," he told the Daily Dot. "It'southward heady, but a bit scary as well."

READ More:

  • From art to games, hither is the all-time furry porn
  • These are the best gay furry porn comics, games, and sites
  • Upcoming anime hirsuite porn game delights with animated yiff scenes
  • These are the all-time places to find hirsuite porn comics online

*Starting time Published: May eight, 2020, 12:35 pm CDT


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